Our sensual and very nice-looking Mate greater amount came in for a massage. Laying, face down lad is banded together by Peter Filo who is fast to work, working oil into Mate’s erotic skin, and then down onto his legs. This chub removes Mate’s underwear and then massages the ass likewise, his hands gliding all over it. His hands explore the ass crack and gink has Mate up on his knees for a greater examination. That ass is a beauty and Peter’s hands work in the crack, teasing the hole. Then bloke grabs Mate’s cock and starts out wanking it as dude rubs the ass. Mate turns over and onto his back as Peter stirs on this massive cock. In a short time Peter cant resist any longer and leans forward to lick and suck at that excited cock. Guy sucks and wanks it until man has Mate making of the video his cum, with Peter milking that cock dry.
Format: Wm
Duration: 17:20
Video: 1280×720, Wm Movie 9 Advanced Profile, 2413kbps
Audio: 125kbps