GayCest – Neighborhood Secret – Tape 9 – Dream Boy

GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips
Release Year: 2022
Studio: GayCest
Cast: Mr Barrett, Marcus
Genres: anal, cum, gay, kissing, oral pleasure, rimming, wanking

I had at all times been told that being my age, my hormones would be totally out of check. The fact this those hormones have led me to having a full-on affair with my dad is proof of just how out of oversight they can get. Weirder tho’, it all felt so natural, so… seamless. Even although Dad has been greater amount than willing to link me on this journey, I was never quite sure how to approach him when I was starving for him. Which seemed to be at all times. On that particular night, I certainly needed him. Even if gink couldn’t give me my normal meal, maybe a little snack? Even cuddling would suffice. I went in completely unclothed and asked if I could connect him in bed. There was no question my flesh was open and eager. Man was greater amount than happy to see me and fellow got the hint. I got in bed with him and promptly guy spooned and held me. A million thoughts raced in my mind. Right immediately, particularly as fellow held me in his arms, I wondered if gink knew just how sensual that chub is. He’s very confident, though,which made him all the sexier. As we cuddled, his hands began to roam. I was already at half-mast when I walked in, scarcely containing it as I crawled into his bed. But instantly, my cock was wholly engorged, and the 2nd I felt his hands move down my waist, I was throbbing. Greater still, I could feel his cock pressing up against me. Buddy moved the blanket off of us, and I turned over to present my full self. Chap kissed my thorax, and smelled me as his hand moved down to my rigid meat. Even formerly dude could touch it, it bounced up and down. Guy kissed me softly, breathing me in. After teasing my lips with his own lips a bit, we both slipped our tongues into each other’s oral cavities as guy lasted to play with my stiff dick. That chub whispered in my ear, breathing heavily as I whimpered in fun. We prolonged to kiss as I writhed from the sensation of his strokes. His fingers made their way down my balls to my taint and then my cavity. This nearly made me yelp! Dad made his way down to my cock and took it in his throat like a lollipop. It was so excited watching him savor the taste of my meat the same way I do with his; it was such an immense turn on. Presently adequate though, chap flipped my leg over, and was ready to go after his true goal: my erotic hollow. That chub started off light, lapping at it lightly, getting small nibbles. Soon enough, tho’, I could feel his bristly beard lightly scratch my cheeks as gink plunged his tongue deep into my ravenous pucker, making my bawls get even louder. I could feel my hips jut back into his face as this chub made out deeply with my hole. This chub even made his way back up to my balls and sucked on any one as bloke stroked my cock. This guy pushed my hips down and slid his middle finger right into my cavity. Bloke leaned back and grabbed at his stiff cock as gink continued to rub my p-spot. Boy turned me back over and swallowed my cock again. Buddy then had me sit on his nice-looking, furry torso so that chub could suck me off while also playing with my bottom and apperture. I took my entire ball sack and let him lap at them. Chap turned me back over again, and went back to slobbering all over my knob as lad finger-fucked. I could feel my testicles tighten as boy filled his own face with my cock. I writhed and moaned uncontrollably as fellow brought me to the brink. Before I knew it, I blasted into his kisser. With a excited smirk on his face, that guy came up to my face and kissed me. This may not have been the brutal “meal” I craved, but it will indeed keep me happy ’till next time!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:39
Video: 1920×1080, AVC (H.264), 7872kbps
Audio: 310kbps

GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips
GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips

GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips
Video clip size: 1.3 GB

GayCest - Neighborhood Secret - Tape 9 - Dream Boy Gay Clips

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