I train my buddies so well. They know their place in my existence, and none is familiar with his place greater than my main boy, my stepson, Adam. I met his mom at a mall but noticed him right away. Immediately, here lad is on his knees sucking dad’s cock while I read the paper. But I know what fellow so badly wants. Chap desires daddy to sit back on the ottoman while I look into his eyes. Then I’ll stand up and feed him my dick while holding his neck. When my cock is rock serious, I’ll acquire him off his knees and bend him over the ottoman. His cavity needs some love from his daddy, and I need to feel his warm insides. We’ll fuck all over the ottoman ’till I’m willing to spray my burden on his cute face and then leave him to stop himself off. Because I know what my boy craves.
Format: mp4
Duration: 19:29
Video: 1920×1080, AVC (H.264), 4847kbps
Audio: 125kbps